Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Building A Network Marketing Company Requires Exposure and Communication

Are you wanting to build a strong team of network marketers?  Building a network marketing team is like building a strong business of clients.  Network marketing is a strong platform, compared to a traditional business.  There are a lot of perks having your own business, however, having your own network marketing team is better for a lot of reasons.  But, I will only share a few with you today.

Have you seen our virtual business card?  Check out this link for details  ------>>>>

One thing unique about having a network marketing business is that it allows you to build relationships with those that you will train with.  Not only will you build relationships, but, you will also get rewarded, often financially for their positive production.  The people on your network marketing team need to be taught and trained, so they can perform at the top level.  So you want to make sure they have all the tools they need.

Another thing about most network marketing businesses is that not only can you make a fast start bonus for sales.  You can also create a residual income from the growth of your team, your customer base and their team and customer base.  If you didn't know, network marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry.  Primarily because of the ownership principles that come from having your own networking / mlm business.

The main thing that gives that entrepreneur the edge is initiating conversations, sharing & communicating with them (building relationships), the follow-up and the close (ask for the sale)

It's a process, that must be done.  But, to stay in touch with them digitally now, is easy.  No more giving business cards.  GET A VIRTUAL BUSINESS CARD, STAY IN TOUCH & SHARE VIDEOS THAT YOUR CLIENTS / PROSPECTS / CUSTOMERS WILL WANT TO SEE.  Constantly communicate with them.  Keep them up-to-date on how things are going!! 

Have you seen our virtual business card?  Check out this link for details  ------>>>>


If you would like to hear more about our business, our ALL Natural health & wellness products or our travel options.  Let's talk?  Follow me on Facebook, InstaGram & Twitter

If you would like to attend our next live local event in person, come out on February 4 & 11, 2019.  If you would like to attend through our private Facebook group or Instagram.  Call me and I will be glad to get the info to you.  If you would like to schedule a time to talk, outside our Monday events, be sure to reach out to me to schedule the best time for us both.  

Be sure to visit my site for more details?  for health products for our travel options

Friday, January 18, 2019


Do you wonder if Network Marketing is for you?  Did you know it has created more millionaires than any other industry?  What if you could get a HOW TO BUILD A SUCCESSFUL NETWORK MARKETING BOOK?  Would you read it...would apply what your learn?  Now is the best time to look closer.  Too many people are trading their time for money, solely.  It's time to create RESIDUAL INCOME!!  Are you ready?

This blog is to:
  1. give you some information about an industry, network marketing I would be glad to share what I know about it
  2. information about all-natural health and wellness products people need
  3. share a FREE opportunity that is changing lives
  4. invite you to learn more about this industry and find an opportunity to be a part of if this one is not a good fit for you
  5. if you don't have one to be a part of or would like to help people be in better health and get started for FREE.  Read more...

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of RICH DAD, POOR DAD, has been saying for years, that the network marketing industry is the best industry to be a part of.  CLICK HERE TO VISIT MY OTHER POST TO SEE HIS FAMOUS 12 MINUTE version of the book

Network marketing is a business structure.  It is the same as the traditional 9 - 5 structure. C.E.O. down the structure to the employees. However, the main reason people are beginning to look closer is because, people are realizing, this industry levels the playing field for all that participate.  Everyone is  C.E.O. and we all have ownership opportunities.  Through network marketing, this is something that can be passed down from generation to generation.  If you work harder, you will be paid for your efforts. But, building is great because the larger your team is, the more chances you have to be rewarded.  Like having small franchises, since everyone is a C.E.O.

Although there are no guarantees, this is for information purposes ONLY...positive actions, produce positive results.  Plus, our team has a system, that often produces positive results, once you follow the steps and apply what we share. We are educating people of the power of the network marketing  industry, combined with a system and a quality product that pays.  I am putting extra time to build it and would like to answer any questions you may have.

I just want to invite you to get a better idea of the power of this industry.

5 Things I like about Shopfreemart. The industry and its potential

  1. Flexibility and time freedom
  2. Convenience of being able to send / text / call / email...communicate with clients, prospects and team
  3. Able to use other people's stuff  (products, licenses, payment system...ect) Just share...
  4. Sharing quality products people NEED and will re-purchase (Residuals)
  5. Pays Daily in Real-Time 

It's  a fact, that social networks are growing daily... There are new ones coming out daily!!  My question to you is, what are you using them for?  Statistics shows, that digital transactions are growing.  You and I both know, that the key point is the convenience.

If you decide you want to attend a live event, comment SEAT.  
We broadcast every Monday at 7 pm Est in our private Facebook Group.  You can attend from anywhere.  Just be added to our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP. Or follow me on Instagram @TracyItsTime to watch a partial broadcast  

Tuesday, we broadcast on at 10 am Est. 9 am Cst