Have you seen our virtual business card? Check out this link for details ------>>>> http://bit.ly/VirtBizCd2TraC
Another thing about most network marketing businesses is that not only can you make a fast start bonus for sales. You can also create a residual income from the growth of your team, your customer base and their team and customer base. If you didn't know, network marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry. Primarily because of the ownership principles that come from having your own networking / mlm business.
The main thing that gives that entrepreneur the edge is initiating conversations, sharing & communicating with them (building relationships), the follow-up and the close (ask for the sale)
It's a process, that must be done. But, to stay in touch with them digitally now, is easy. No more giving business cards. GET A VIRTUAL BUSINESS CARD, STAY IN TOUCH & SHARE VIDEOS THAT YOUR CLIENTS / PROSPECTS / CUSTOMERS WILL WANT TO SEE. Constantly communicate with them. Keep them up-to-date on how things are going!!
Have you seen our virtual business card? Check out this link for details ------>>>> http://bit.ly/VirtBizCd2TraC
If you would like to hear more about our business, our ALL Natural health & wellness products or our travel options. Let's talk? Follow me on Facebook, InstaGram & Twitter.
If you would like to attend our next live local event in person, come out on February 4 & 11, 2019. If you would like to attend through our private Facebook group or Instagram. Call me and I will be glad to get the info to you. If you would like to schedule a time to talk, outside our Monday events, be sure to reach out to me to schedule the best time for us both.
Be sure to visit my site for more details?
http://www.YourFreeway.shop for health products
http://www.YourFreeway.info for our travel options